Navabharath Fertilizers Dealers Meet 2015
January 1, 2015eMERG – Women Entrepreneurs Meet 2015
March 4, 2015Adskaro – R & R Awards Night 2015
Company: Adskaro
Location: Bangalore
AdsKaro is a company which comprises of young and talented youngsters who are ready to dedicate time to their work. The evening was organised at golden Grand, Bengaluru for all the employees of the company. The achievers who had made a mark were recognised and rewarded by Mr. Murali Agarwal, Director & Owner AdsKaro. The best moment was when director himself called the names of the highest achievers personally and made them feel like a family. When he remembered each and every one’s names and their faces made me feel so wonderful about the company and the director. Anyday, AdsKaro will be one of my favourite companies to work with and I would love to continue this relationship forever. Thank you AdsKaro for a brilliant evening!!