All of us know that anchors are the life of an event. Thus for first timers, 1. KISS– Keep It Simple Senorita The opening for an event can be started with a quote or a short 4 liner story that […]
Listen and observe when you speak Pay attention to what others say. Pay more attention to their body language. Do they look bored? Crack a joke. Do they look confused? Encourage them to ask a question. Think before you speak Relax. People prefer […]
Passion is the thing that will help you create the highest expression of your talent – Larry Smith, TEXx November 2011 A good presentation can make people remember the presenter and bring smiles on their faces. Thus, to become a […]
Family always counts – Instagram account goes viral – myhotelcarpet – A father daughter’s love Bill Young has been posting photos of hotel carpeting on Instagram since August 2015, but it took his daughter, a tweet, and a few days […]