The GM Diet Vegetarian Plan - Chapter 3
The GM Diet Vegetarian Plan – Chapter 3
October 24, 2017
Few Alternate Food Recipes of GM Diet – Chapter 5
Few Alternate Food Recipes of GM Diet – Chapter 5
October 26, 2017
The GM Diet Vegetarian Plan - Chapter 3
The GM Diet Vegetarian Plan – Chapter 3
October 24, 2017
Few Alternate Food Recipes of GM Diet – Chapter 5
Few Alternate Food Recipes of GM Diet – Chapter 5
October 26, 2017

Exercises to do while on the GM Diet Plan – Chapter 4

Exercises to do while on the GM Diet Plan - Chapter 4

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Most people are scared to follow a strict exercise regime while following a weight loss diet. They are bothered by the fact, that they might not be strong enough to do the exercises. But if you are smart enough, you can follow an exercise regime which won’t be very taxing and will enhance your weight loss efforts.

Day 1

A thirty minutes’ walk

Follow it up with twenty squats and a thirty -second

Day 2

Start with ten Surya namaskars.

Do Virabhadrasana four times.

Do Leg rise ten times.

Rotate your waist, ten times clockwise, ten times anticlockwise.

End it with stretching exercises

Day 3

Do standing front kicks, 10 times each side.

Do trunk twisting thirty times.

Do the classic Pilates move- the hundred, seated twists, rolling like a ball, single leg circles, criss-cross, and mermaid move. Do each of them at least ten times.

Finish it with Surya Namaskars five times.

Do not forget to stretch.

Day 4

Do arm rotations, leg rotations, waist rotations all ten times each side.

Do quick feet 100 times.

Do planks for thirty seconds, follow it up with twenty squats, repeat this step four times (plank followed by squats).

This can act as a beginner level Tabata.

Do a few stretching exercises.

Day 5

Go for a brisk walk, or walk fast for two minutes and then walk slowly for another one minute. Do this for 40 minutes. This acts as interval training and is great for weight loss.


Do warm ups

Do 15 jump squats

Do 10 knee push-ups.

Do 10 lunges on each side.

Do 15 V sit ups.

Follow it up with stretching exercises.

Day 6

Do jump rope 50 times.

Do squat 40 times.

Do planks for 1 minute.

Repeat this procedure three times, or if you feel weak you can do it two times.

Day 7

Do Suryanamaskar 15 times.

Do the bow pose 4 times.

Do the cobra pose 4

Do the dolphin plank 4 times.

Do stretching exercises.

Do pranayama- Kapalbhati, Anulom Vilom, and Bhramari, 10 circles each.